This year has been a difficult one for most, terrible for some, and catastrophic for others. Who could argue that? So good riddance 2020, adios muchacha, bye Felicia, and don’t let the door hitcha where the good Lord splitcha.
It Could’ve Been Worse
And although it was bad, it could have been worse. Or maybe I’m just trying to be optimistic since I know that great challenges still lie ahead. These are the things I’m grateful for in spite of the otherwise horrible year 2020.
COVID-19 struck my family, but my parents have so far eluded it. Since they are at much greater risk, I thank God that they’ve remained healthy, though it has been extremely difficult to not see them during the holidays.
My younger daughter graduated from college with a nursing degree, but she and thousands of others were deprived of the fanfare that usually accompanies such an achievement. But I’m thankful for her persistence, her accomplishment, and that she held her head high and powered through the obstacles that 2020 produced for her and all other students. And I’m very proud of her.
I’m thankful that my elder daughter, a schoolteacher, was able to spend more time with her family while working from home during the time her school was shut down. I’m grateful that both of my daughters and their husbands are weathering this storm, and that they still strive for the best in these trying times.
My PI business took a sharp dive during 2020, dropping by more than 50% in cases and income. But the extra time allowed me more time to write and to play golf, and it also gave me a sense of what it will be like when I finally retire—hopefully in the near future. For those things, I am thankful.
There is Hope in the Future
In spite of how difficult it has been to remain motivated during these times – much less to be creative – I managed to write and publish two books in 2020: UNWRITTEN RULES, the sixth in the Dickie Floyd series, and THE OUTLAW, the first of the Rich Farris series. I know that many of you are thankful that I did, and I am grateful for the readers who follow me.
I have several projects in the works, and although I normally don’t discuss these things too far in advance, I want to share them with you today, if for no other reason than to document my hope for the future:
I’ve begun writing the second book in the Rich Farris series, and I like the direction it is going. Though I don’t plot a book in the traditional sense, I have a rough outline in my head of the overall story.
I’ve also begun a spinoff of the Dickie Floyd series that features Josie Sanchez, a character who became a favorite of mine and of many others. Again, I have a general direction for the plot, and I think all fans of the first series will thoroughly enjoy it.
Many of you might wonder how many books an author can work on at one time. I don’t know about others – and truthfully, sometimes I wonder if I’ll go completely mad by doing this – but I have those two projects in the works along with a few others.
One of them is a patrol-oriented book (as opposed to a detective novel) that I’ve begun, based on the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s Firestone station in South Los Angeles. It is set in the late eighties/early nineties during the height of gang violence and the epidemic of crack cocaine that swept through the nation.
Another project I have going is a true crime. It is a laborious project that simmers on the backburners of my iMac and in the dark recesses of my tormented mind, the story of a Native American tortured and murdered by skinheads. True crime books are much more difficult to write than fiction for a number of reasons, the least of which is the significant research and documentation that is required to get the story right. As such, I don’t expect it to be finished in the near future. I do, however, have several publishers and agents interested in the project, and I am in the process of submitting proposals to them.
I have finished a memoir, and it too is currently with a publisher under consideration. If you don’t know, having a book published through traditional means is an arduous task, one which can take many months, and sometimes years, to come to fruition. It may be that I’ll eventually choose to self-publish the memoir, but first I will try to get a publishing deal with a respectable, traditional publishing house.
Good Riddance 2020
So out with the old, in with the new – or so they say.
Me, I’ve always been resistant to change, but I am hoping (and praying) that significant change will come our way in 2021.
God bless you all and Happy New Year!
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Thank you for reading my blog.
I hope you will share it with your family and friends.
I find your blogs quite entertaining, and insightful! I wish you a prosperous 2021!
Thank you, Mari! (:
Hi Danny, Reading your Blog about your works in progress reminded me of the time in 1987 (I think) we went down to “Fruit-Town” to serve a search warrant on Peach Street. They were cooking up rock cocaine and dipping the rocks in PCP. Some of it found it’s way into Burbank. Our C.I. Called it “Space-Base”. When you free-based it, you went into “OUTER SPACE”!!!! Another cooker/dealer went to the “joint”……….
The eighties was a great time to be a cop in L.A. PCP and rock cocaine (crack) were abundant. In South L.A. we made arrests for both nightly. It was almost too easy. But the gang wars that accompanied the crack epidemic were off the charts–and that’s what kept it exciting! (: Thanks, Larry.
Hey Danny, I should be getting your book in the next few days. Looking forward to reading your next slice of Literary Excellence. Hopefully I will be able to get you to autograph it at the next Round-up.
Take Care, stay safe
John B
Thank you, John! Yes, I hope to see all my friends in Laughlin this year. Fingers crossed!
Looking forward to all these projects, in particular your patrol oriented ones from Firestone. Hopefully it will feature some Lynwood deps too.
Thanks, Pat. I’m sure they’ll show up.. they always did.
Keep your blogs and books coming. I enjoyed each and every one of them. Have a safe 2021
Thank you, Jim. Happy New Year!
I am like your fans in having much to be thankful for–far too much to list. I do want to mention my appreciation of your work: your novels and your law enforcement roles, and your blog is a great adjunct to both, giving us a bridge between fantasy and reality.
The difficulties and setbacks you’ve experienced and related make me sad, yet at the end of the day (year), blessings are abundant and that makes the sting of the hurts and losses a little more endurable.
I pray that God will continue to shower you and your family with His grace and blessings.
That is very kind of you, Sean. Thank you and God bless!
Hey, Danny. Despite all the setbacks and bad stuff that happened in 2020 we managed to survive and prosper. Congratulations on making it through the year. I’m glad you’re able to take a moment to reflect on all you accomplished.
Write on!
Thank you, Mike. Happy New Year! Hopefully I’ll get to see you in Vegas.
Happy New Year to you and your family…the best meme I saw for the New Year…
2020 is about to turn 21 and start drinking! Let’s hope it’s a happy drunk!
Haha that’s appropriate. Thanks, Alissa! (:
Happy New Year, Danny!
I agree — your books & blog have been a real gift this year — helped keep me sane! Your ideas/work in progress sound really interesting to THIS reader. Best wishes on all your projects!
Yes, I really feel for all the 2020 HS, College, Vocational School, etc. grads who did NOT get a public ceremony to recognize their achievements. Please congratulate your daughter!
Thank you, Valerie!
Danny, I love your writing, it reminds me of the good old days when I was on the job, (66 – 98). We used to have a lot of fun and we got a lot done. My kid is just getting ready to retire after 25 years and he didn’t have anywhere near the fun that I did. A real shame. I look forward to your Patrol series. Keep up the good work.
Jay, comments like yours is what keeps me going. Nothing means more to me. Thank you!
Happy New Year, Danny!
Thanks, Thonie!
Danny, thank you for you books, blogs, and commentaries throughout this horrendous year. Congratulations to your daughter for her nursing degree. My daughter-in-law is also a nurse and your daughter has joined the ranks of true HEROES.
I enjoy reading your books tremendously and wonder how the hell you do it! LOL. Keep up the great writing, good health to you and your family and may God Bless you in 2021!!
Thank you so much, Bob. God bless you!
I know this sounds incredulous, but I feel extremely blessed in this year. Despite all of the difficulties 2020 has thrown our way, I still thank God for his love and blessings. For one, no one in my family has caught Covid. Second, my son was diagnosed in October with an aortic aneurysm. This condition can be hereditary and since my otherwise healthy husband fell dead in our garage with a heart attack, surgery seemed the way to go for my son. Test after test showed him to be a good candidate for the surgical procedure, so he set up a consultation with a cardiac-thoracic surgeon in the hospital where he works. Unfortunately, that surgeon who is one of the premier surgeons in southern Florida, said he was not accomplished in the type of procedure and that he needed to refer Eric to someone else. It turned out that he was friends with the surgeon who actually developed the necessary procedure and he accepted Eric as a patient. After waiting for 2-1/2 months, Eric was operated on Dec. 18th. Things went fantastically well and Eric was released from the hospital on Dec 23rd. So he was back home for Christmas. Not too shabby for an open-heart surgery taking about 6 hrs. So yes, 2020 was a difficult year, but a blessed one nevertheless.
Wishing you and your family a prosperous and HAPPY NEW YEAR! Enjoy each other, laugh, love and pray. God is great!
You have certainly been blessed during a tough year. Great attitude and outlook! Happy New Year!