LASD Roundup in Laughlin, Nevada
This week 1,143 retired members of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department gathered this week for the famous LASD Roundup. My good friend, Moon Mullen, is one of the founding members of the LASD Roundup, and the founder LASD Retired association ( My hat is off to him, his wife Robyn, and to all of the others who work hard every year to make this happen (what an operation!) There are many, so forgive me for not listing all.
Old Friends and New Ones Too
It has been a fabulous week at the Roundup, spending time with old partners and friends, and making new ones too. I was honored to have lunch with a group of legends at the Firestone luncheon. Among them were two of the great cops who trained me at Firestone Station (Mike and Tony), a career-long mentor and friend (Mark), and a humble—if not unsung—hero (J.R.). I think each of you know how much you mean to me.

I am honored to have a new group of enthusiastic readers of A Good Bunch of Men. Sales were remarkable this week; I sold out and took orders for more. So thank you to all who purchased or ordered my book. A couple of people have reported back telling me they’ve already finished reading it, and can’t wait for the sequel. Well, there’s good news on that front.
The Sequel

Door to a Dark Room, the sequel to A Good Bunch of Men, is finished through the first draft, the rewrite, and the first round of edits. It is now being polished and prepared for publishing. In this plot-driven, fast-paced crime novel, many new, intriguing characters are introduced, and then killed. Just kidding. Sort of. Not all of them are killed. You will enjoy the depth of characters as this story, unlike its predecessor, is written in the multiple POV style. I am planning its release for August 2018, so stay tuned for notifications and updates.
Until Next Week
I want to close by thanking you, my readers, for your continued support. Next week I will be publishing a true story about the tragic murder of a young lady, her life snuffed out by the hands of someone she had trusted and loved. You don’t want to miss it!

Meanwhile, I’ll be hanging out for another day or two with this hot babe in the sunny and beautiful town of Laughlin, Nevada.
Be well and God bless!
If you enjoy this blog, please share it with your friends. Dickie Floyd’s debut novel, A Good Bunch of Men, is available in paperback on Amazon, or you can download it at Kindle, Ibooks, Smashwords, and other ebook outlets.
What an outstanding gig…..Great times with GREAT people!!!
Yes sir, it was!