
Leaving a Legacy

In the morning, the day before Father’s Day, I stood beneath a crystal blue Idaho sky to say goodbye to a family friend. His name was Bill, and he had lived a full life of eighty-eight years. There were about fifty family and friends assembled on a well-tended lawn peppered with granite markers of various…

Crazy Cindy

Cindy has a great personality. Okay, that’s not the truth. Actually, she has a really, REALLY nasty disposition. But, as I reflect on Mother’s Day weekend, I feel compelled to say she is a good mama. And by good mama, what I mean is she will kill any human who comes between her and her…

Profiling: Not Just a Dirty Word

Profiling is an effective tool for detecting and preventing crime and apprehending criminals. Courts and the officers thereof have succumbed to (if not created and propagated) this notion that those who are entrusted—rather burdened—to protect society from the predators among us, are expected to act as if they have neither a brain nor a day’s experience.