
Law and Order

Policing is probably much simpler in countries where dissenters are machinegunned to death on the streets and a dictator nods his approval. Being a cop in America, on the other hand, has become an impossible job, and—as it turns out—freedom might be nothing more than a two and a half-century failed experiment. As a former street…

Considerations for Concealed Carry

Last week’s blog about gun sales stimulated some peripheral discussion about training, concealed carry permits, and liability. This week’s blog is a follow-up to briefly address some of the issues and questions that came from it. Or, simply put, this is Part II of last week’s blog. Concealed Carry for Law Enforcement Active-duty or honorably…

COVID-19 and the Law

Law enforcement is shooting itself in the foot over COVID-19 and the questionably lawful orders they are being asked to enforce. Governors are releasing convicted felons from prison and sheriffs are emptying their jails, all in the name of COVID-19. Meanwhile, some officials are going after otherwise law-abiding citizens who dare to defy their orders…

Ineffective Policing

There are daily examples in the news or on the internet of the ineffective policing that now plagues many law enforcement agencies throughout our country. Anarchy in the Cities In some cities, police are ordered to stand down while terrorist groups like ANTIFA destroy property and assault citizens. In New York, police were seen turning…

Open Carry

I’m no fan of open carry, much to the dismay of some of my gun-loving brethren. Although I am an ardent supporter of the second amendment, and a lifetime member of the NRA, I believe this is one of those topics that should be carefully examined by all gun rights advocates. For me, this comes…