
Friendly Skies

I’ve traveled plenty, for both personal and professional reasons. When flying, I always hope for a smooth ride through friendly skies. That doesn’t always happen. Before I went to Homicide, I was assigned to Special Investigations/Metro, and one of our responsibilities there was fugitive apprehension and extraditions. Every day someone from our unit was boarding…

Get Away with Murder

The most popular blog I’ve ever written, hands down, is 8 WAYS TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER, a parody of the endless self-help features offered by every blogger and her dog. Although clearly a spoof, this blog has drawn the attention of some ne’er-do-wells scheming to harm their fellow man. The Original Murder Blog Spoof…

COVID-19 and the Law

Law enforcement is shooting itself in the foot over COVID-19 and the questionably lawful orders they are being asked to enforce. Governors are releasing convicted felons from prison and sheriffs are emptying their jails, all in the name of COVID-19. Meanwhile, some officials are going after otherwise law-abiding citizens who dare to defy their orders…

Special Enforcement Bureau

For most cops, there is a fork in the road when it’s time to leave patrol. Cops who choose not to promote tend to either go into investigations or go tactical. For the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, tactical means the Special Enforcement Bureau. SEB comprises five details: Special Enforcement Detail (better known as SWAT),…